Bucket List for the rest of 2012

The year has already flown by and there is less than half of it left. With this in mind I have decided that I need some of you to hold me accountable to some items that I want/need to accomplish before 2013 arrives.

1. Try a new recipe and share it with all of you at least once a month (realistically I would like to try a new one every week… we will see)

2. Work out at least 4 days a week, every week… real goal is 5-6, but I am being realisitic- sheepercises will have to suffice somedays 😉 This includes:

  • Running/walking from the house to the pasture (approximately 1.75-2 miles)
  •  Sprinting from the gate to the pin
  • Unloading feed (50 lb sacks of feed definitely will help keep my arms toned)
  • Holding sheep in a choke hold between my legs so Aaron can give a shot, take a blood sample, or just to look at it (Hello thunder thighs!)
  • Running around trying to corral the sheep. This equals a lot of agility and being quick 😉 otherwise the sheep will get past me and away from the flock
  • Other moves as necessary to get the chores done 🙂

3. Try out a few different restaurants and give you some feedback on their gluten free menus.

4. Create a cute Christmas card pose/scene for our very FIRST Christmas card! I have a couple ideas, just depends on the weather and such.

5. Complete my Christmas shopping well before Christmas! Goal is before the middle of December. I already have a few people checked off my list 😉 Am I good or what?

6. Get all of our new house made into a home! This is top priority for me. I have waited my whole life to be able to decorate my home and make it a welcoming place for friends and family to come visit… and a nice place for us to come home to after working all day. I know with a full time job, working out, cooking meals, and other responsibilities that my house will NOT be spotless at all times and have accepted this. At the same time I want to get as much organized as possible so things are at least in their place on a regular basis. I still have some of my favorite possessions in Indiana and cannot wait to get them someday.

7. On that same note- motivate my husband to file away his items and to NOT pile things up. This might or might not be achieved in this lifetime 😉

7. Keep in touch with my friends and family- this is something I struggle with. My close friends and family know I do NOT like talking on the phone. While I do call my grandparents on a pretty regular basis and my Mom daily, I feel like there are still some people I would like to reconnect with and make sure they know how much I love them and miss them.

8. Limit my dessert intake. I have been really good about NOT eating dessert. I have been wanting to eat more “clean”. Which means no processed foods, added sugars, etc. I have been making it a goal of mine and have made some minor changes in addition to just not allowing myself to drool over a yummy item long. I have been filling my fridge full of apples, kiwis, squash and tomatoes fresh from the garden, a few bananas (very high in sugar so I have limited my intake), berries, fat-free plain greek yogurt, quinoa, and then also packing nuts and leftovers for lunch so I am not left with a growling tummy.

9. Read some books I WANT to. Now that I am done with school and research I have time to read for myself. I have purchased some books, some I left in Indiana for my Mom to read and others I have and just need to sit down and read. I really want to read Drop Dead Healthy. I have read some book reviews over it and am intrigued. Both copies at our local libraries are checked out… so I will finish reading the book I am currently on, which is the 3rd book in the Mark of the Lion series.

10. Do something spontaneous… enough said. 🙂

What are your plans and goals for the rest of the year??

2 responses »

  1. Such good goals! I have a few fitness related ones too. Maybe I should commit to blogging again? Lol

  2. Love your ‘sheepercises’, Jessica!


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